Life @ DSmart is a reflection of our core values – integrity, mutual respect, service excellence, innovation, teamwork, corporate training, and FUN.
This also defines our corporate culture – a Happy & a Healthy workplace that incorporates ambition and fun, while at the same time providing career advancement, unlimited learning opportunities, and improving the wellbeing of our employees. This in turn, helps our employees to go that extra mile in meeting and exceeding our Customers’ expectations.

Fulfilling work can make you a lot happier, but it’s not great if work becomes your be-all and end-all. Thankfully, we @DSmart offer flexible and remote work options to work from anywhere collaboratively and collectively. From flexible work timings to work from home/remote location options, DSmart does everything to get maximum productivity from its employees.
We trust our employees to manage their own schedules to complete deadlines, while at the same time, making room for pursuits outside of work. If you want to explore a passion of yours, DSmart helps with that too, because we believe that freedom, trust and transparency are the true indicators of a great work-life balance approach.

We offer best-in-class customized training programs which helps our employees keep with the latest technical trends. Employees are also encouraged to enroll in a range of online courses to sharpen their skills set in their domain areas, which will help them expand their knowledge base, get certified, and ultimately, fuel their success.
In addition to obtaining technical and programming knowledge, we encourage all employees to participate in soft-skills training seminars and special workshops that are offered periodically. This helps in improving communication skills, presentation skills and business etiquette, which greatly boosts employee confidence when handling tough situations with Clients or troubleshooting problems.

DSmart encourages one-on-one mentoring sessions to enable the mentee to develop their own skills, strategies and capability so that they are enabled to tackle the next hurdle more effectively with or without the mentor’s presence. The minimum amount of time the relationship must last is 6 months but there is no maximum. Some mentoring relationships last a lifetime, while others last until a specific goal has been reached.

Like the saying goes, “All work and no play, makes Johny a dull boy” – That’s why we@DSmart have created a “Smart Club” for employees to take part in their favorite sport and get relief from some of the work- related stress. Unwind with a game of Volleyball, Cricket, Soccer, or Kabadi.
For those who prefer to stay indoors, the choices are plenty – from board games to snooker, badminton, chess, carrom, table tennis and darts – you can choose to play what you like in order to refresh, relax, and rejuvenate.
At DSmart, we take pride in celebrating some of our unique and diverse festivals ranging from Ugadi to Deepavali to Ramzan, and Christmas and many others in between. DSmart also hosts amazing events such as monthly game nights, Friday night pizza parties, bollywood movie nights, annual picnics and outdoor excursions & trips to scenic places in order to bring family and friends together.

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